Craps Guide to the history and basics of craps
Our Craps Guide gives you info about the history and basics of online craps as well as the standard game of craps.

Craps – the French pronunciation of the word Crabs, is a name given for an earlier game known as Hazard.
Developed in the 1700’s, Hazard was played predominately by members of the European Aristocracy before being integrated into America.
Around 1813, Bernard de Mandeville simplified the game of hazard, and transformed the game into the first known version of craps. It is believed that Hazard was first played on the Steamboats along the Mississippi River, thereafter spreading throughout America.
There are also tales thats craps originated way back when the soldiers of the Roman Legions played with shaped cubes during the time of the Holy Roman Empire. World War II also witnessed soldiers playing craps as it is know today for entertainment, and the game gained immense popularity as a way for them to break the monotony of war.
Craps, although fairly popular in the beginning stages of the game, fell behind in popularity in the 1990’s with the introduction of Slot Machines. Today however, Craps is once again taking its place among the gambling fraternity and is also in the process of gaining momentum as an online casino game.
The Basics To Playing Craps Online
- At the start of the game, bets are first placed on the table – The roller picks up the dice and rolls – The number rolled on that first roll sets the stage for that particular rounds bets – The first time a player picks up the dice and rolls, that first roll of the round is called the “Come Out Roll”.
- Should the first time roll of the dice land on a 3 and a 3 – the total is six, which becomes the “Point.” The dealer places a marker (puck) on the number 6 on the craps layout. The shooter must now roll a six before he rolls a 7.
- If the shooter rolls a 2, 3 or 12, you lose your pass line bet. These are the “craps numbers” If you are the shooter and roll a craps number, you lose your pass line bet, but get to keep rolling.
- Should the shooter roll any other number, that number becomes the point number. The point numbers are 4 5 6 8 9 and 10. These are also called “Box Numbers” as they are in the boxes on the craps layout. The dealer then mark the point with a puck placed in the box on the table.
- Pass Line Bet – Bets on the pass line must be made before the first roll (come out roll). The player wins if the come out roll is a natural (7 or 11) and looses if the dice show craps (2, 3 or 12).
- Don’t Pass Line – The Don’t pass bet is the revers of a pass line bet. The player wins if the come out roll shows 2 or 3 and looses if the dice shows 7 or 11, and if the shooter rolls a 12 the bet is then a tie.
- Don’t Come Bet – A Don’t Come bet works the same way as a Don’t Pass bet, but can be made while a round is in progress. The bet wins if the shooter rolls 2 or 3 on the first roll.
- Odds bets – An Odds bet can be made if a player already has a bet on the Pass line, Don’t pass line, Come or Don’t come. It is an additional bet, and is usually limited to 2 or 3 times the original wager.
- Place Bets – A place bet is a bet that a certain number will come up before a 7 is rolled. This works like a come bet, but players choose their own numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10.)
- Buy Bets – A Buy bet is a bet on that a certain number will come up before the dice shows 7. The numbers to choose from are 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10. The rules are simple, if the point is rolled before 7 the player wins.
- Lay Bets – The lay bet is the opposite of a buy bet. Players choose a number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10) and place a bet in the designated area on the craps lay-out.
- Field bets – Field bets can be made at any time during the game, and are determined with a single roll.
- Big Six and Big Eight – A bet on big 6 wins if the shooter rolls a 6 before a 7.
- A bet on big 8 works the same way – to win an 8 has to be rolled before a 7. Big 6 and Big 8 bets pay even money.
- Hard way Bet – A hard way is when both dice turn up with the same number. A hard way bet is a bet that a specific number is rolled and the dice show doubles.
- Hard 10 – The player wins if the dice show 5 and 5. The bet is lost if the dice show 6 and 4 or if any combination that makes 7 is rolled. A hard 10 pays 7 to 1.
- Hard 6 – The player wins if the dice show 3 and 3. The bet is lost if the dice show 4, 2 or 5, 1 the bet is also lost if any combination that makes 7 is rolled. A hard 6 pays 9 to 1.
- Hard 8 – The player wins if the dice show 4 and 4. The bet is lost if the dice show 6, 2 or 5, 3 the bet is also lost if any combination that makes 7 is rolled. A hard 8 pays 9 to 1.
- Any Craps – Any craps is a one roll bet where the player is betting on the next roll to be Craps (2, 3 or 12).
- Any 7 – Any 7 is a one roll bet where the player is betting on the next roll to be a 7.